Saturday, 26 July 2014

Giant mystery hole appears in Russia

Giant mystery hole appears in Russia

Giant hole appears suddenly in far north of Russia in Siberia. Is it a meteorite, gas explosion, eruption of underground ice or arrival of UFO spaceship from another planet?

The giant hole is located in the the Yamal Peninsula which is a largely undeveloped area in the northwest Siberia area of Russia and is about 700 km long.  Yamal holds Russia's and the world's biggest natural gas reserves along with an important gas pipeline to transport the natural gas. The crater is estimated to be 262 feet wide

The possible reasons for the sudden appearance of the giant hole that people have proposed include a meteorite, a gas explosion, an eruption of underground ice or even the arrival of a UFO spaceship from another planet.  A team of scientists is heading to the site  to investigate.

The giant hole is very close to Yamal's biggest gas field. In places with such large underground concentrations of gas, underground explosions are common when the ice melts under the soil and releases gas


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