Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Human-like figure working on the Mars Curiosity Rover

Scientists have long wondered if life really does exist on Mars.And a new set of pictures released by NASA could appear to confirm conspiracy theorists' claims that we are not alone in the universe.The images taken by a NASA navigation camera have been released and appear to show a human-like figure working on the Mars Curiosity Rover, which is scanning the Red Planet.

The Person has no helmet and their short hair is visible and in high detail. The person has on air tanks on their back and suit that covers most of the body except the hair. This leaves us with three confusing thoughts

‘Spaceman’ spotted repairing Mars Curiosity rover

UFO experts have sensationally claimed that this photo, which they say shows a human engineer working on the Mars Curiosity Rover, could be proof of life on the Red Planet.
Researchers believe that the photograph, which is one of a set of Curiosity rover Navcam pictures, shows a shadow of a human-like being – complete with spacesuit and air tank – working on the probe, which was launched in 2011.
Interestingly, he does not appear to be wearing a helmet as his short hair is visible. Other photographs in the same set do not show the human figure.
Conspiracy theorists have previously expressed their belief that Mars is the ‘off-world’ base of the Pentagon’s ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers’.

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