Thursday, 30 April 2015

Russia's spinning cargo capsule for space station total loss


Russian supply capsule that went into an uncontrollable spin after launch was declared a total loss Wednesday, astronauts at the International Space Station said they will get by without the delivery of fresh food, water, clothes and equipment.

The space station’s one-year crew members, American Scott Kelly and Russian Mikhail Kornienko, told The Associated Press during an interview that flight controllers have given up trying to command the cargo carrier. The unmanned Progress vessel, loaded with 3 tons of goods, began tumbling shortly after its launch Tuesday from Kazakhstan. Kelly said the craft will fall out of orbit and re-enter the atmosphere sometime soon. He’s not sure exactly when. The capsule is expected to burn up in the atmosphere, as is the case for all Progress carriers, once they have delivered their shipments and are filled with trash

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